We will:
Solve problems and get to the issue
Do what we say we are going to do
Keep things simple
Make recommendations that are legitimate (no motherhood statements!)
Lead individuals and teams
Provide process improvements
Craig believes leadership involves staying a step ahead of issues, delivering results, and communicating well.
C - Clarify Expectations
A - Agree on Objectives
R - Review Progress
E - Equip for the Task
CK One Solutions approaches each role with this perspective in mind, to CARE about your business, while effectively carrying out each of the aforementioned principles.
An effective fractional leader can become part of the team and add value at a much lower cost.
For example, specific to the finance department... A strong accountant "tells the story behind the numbers". There is great value in the role of a finance department so it is important to have capable people and processes in place to allow finance teams to do their best in a constantly changing and complicated environment. However, simply getting the numbers right does very little to help the business generate more cash flow or improve the bottom line.
We believe this is also true in other areas of the business, and that is why the concept of fractional leadership has become such a trending alternative in recent years. These same principles can help your company do the right things and and do things right.
CK One Solutions has a unique focus in that we can bring executive level experience to your business on an interim or part-time basis.